Concept and Significance

The Chapel in Valleaceron, designed by Sancho Madridejos, is part of a larger project that includes a dwelling, hunting pavilion, and guard’s residence. The project’s dual significance lies in the close relationship between the landscape, objects, and itinerary—between space and objects. Each structure offers a unique response, from the symbolic to the silent and private, unified by the concept of the fold, which generates diverse spaces.

Architectural Design and Placement

The chapel is designed around a concept of a “box-fold,” which is a focal point of tension within the structure. Positioned atop a gentle hill, it serves as a landmark visible from the property entrance, located 2 kilometers away at a lower elevation. The chapel’s slightly off-axis orientation allows for different perspectives along the approach. Upon arrival at the residential zone, visitors circle the chapel, making it a pivotal point of entry. The ascent through the western façade leads to the interior’s focal point, characterized by a non-symmetrical front.

Dynamic Spatial Experience

As visitors move through the chapel, the varying scale of the fold creates a dynamic sequence of spaces, transitioning from closed and compact to open and fragmented. This constant change in spatial perception enhances the temporal experience of the chapel.

Minimalist Interior

The chapel’s interior is intentionally minimalist, devoid of artificial lighting. The design focuses on the relationship between exterior and interior spaces, emphasizing natural light. Symbolic elements such as a cross, an onyx lamp, and an image at the focal point reinforce the chapel’s spiritual ambiance.

Material and Light

The chapel features golden concrete, which captures the nuances of light, from direct sunlight to the subtle hues of dawn. Light acts as a secondary material, contrasting with the concrete. It is fragile, changing, and mobile, adding depth and dynamism to the chapel’s atmosphere.


The Chapel in Valleaceron by Sancho Madridejos exemplifies the harmonious integration of architecture and landscape. Through the concept of the fold, the chapel offers a unique spatial experience, enhanced by natural light and minimalist design. This project not only respects but also elevates the surrounding environment, creating a profound and contemplative space.

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